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The first expert at Monday’s Arizona State Legislature hearing with Rudy Giuliani was a US cybersecurity expert who quickly described all the shocking control weaknesses within the Dominion voting machines.

Colonel Phil Waldron spoke first at the Arizona hearing about the voting machines used in US elections. These are the same machines used in Venezuela by Chavez. The Dominion systems were connected to the Internet as well, despite Dominion’s claims to the contrary.

The records within the system can be manipulated by outside parties and insiders as well:

We also know there are many teams looking into the Dominion voting machine control weaknesses:

Yesterday’s testimonies in Arizona were devastating. The steal is on and they got caught.

The first expert at Monday’s Arizona State Legislature hearing with Rudy Giuliani was a US cybersecurity expert who quickly described all the shocking control weaknesses within the Dominion voting machines. Colonel Phil Waldron spoke first at the Arizona hearing about the voting machines used in US elections. These are the...

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